Tell us who you are.

  • Healthcare Professionals

    We provide consultation services in a timely and professional manner with excellent communication with the referring practice. Allow us to help you further evaluate problems that you don’t typically have the time to address like menstrual dysfunction, overuse injuries/concussion, acne, ADHD (evaluation and treatment), and other issues commonly affecting teens & young adults.

  • Young Adult Patient.

    Whether you’re a young professional or college student, if your health and wellness are important to you, we can help you get there or maintain your current good health. Dr.Scalfano treats the whole patient. Your health is affected by many factors, including what you eat & drink, your activity, your stress, your living & work environment, etc. You have a unique set of health concerns and we specialize in keeping patients just like you healthy. We see patients through their 20’s but will help you transition to another provider for 30 years and beyond.

  • Parents of Teens.

    Dr.Scalfano provides comprehensive medical care for teenagers and helps see them safely transitioned into adulthood. If you are a parent of a teen then you know the unique challenges in keeping them healthy and safe. We are here for you for everything from sports physicals & seasonal allergies to learning issues and beyond.